Saturday, November 8, 2008

Misplaced Guilt

I always feel guilty when I don't answer the phone.

Maybe it's because I have spent much of my life waiting for the phone to ring/waiting for the mail carrier to arrive/checking my email, but only recently have I decided that if I don't feel like talking, I don't have to pick the phone up. If it's an emergency, they will leave a message and I will call them back.

Since I spend all my working hours in a loud office and with frequent calls from the public (some of which astound me), sometimes when 4:30 rolls around, I don't want to see or hear another human being. I'm an introvert who craves solitude and quiet, and 40 hours a week is spent in an environment that's almost the complete antithesis of that. If my job were 100% customer service it would be worse, but it's bad enough.

This weekend I am knitting, rearranging cupboards, reading Ravelry forums, planning on baking tomorrow, and enjoying peace and quiet. But I feel guilty for not picking up when the phone rings, even though intellectually I know there's no requirement to answer.

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