Monday, March 30, 2009

Stiff Upper Lip

Something is bothering me, and I have to just keep a stiff upper lip and soldier on. It's tiring. It will go away -- it's just a blip -- but it's annoying.

Also, I'm having another one of those "GOD, all men are the same!" moments. I'm 41. You'd think I would not be surprised by the fact that just about every guy, at least straight white American guy, regardless of age, education, personality etc., still strive to catch the grownup cheerleader. And even if they'll settle for an average woman, they will still be very open about what they really find attractive.

I am painting with a wide brush. Perhaps it's unfair. But honestly -- I've been the best pal confidante (willing or unwilling) of umpteen guys in my life -- I've yet to meet the guy who didn't fall into this category. If you're out there, let me know, because you'd really mitigate my despair.

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