Sunday, September 28, 2008


I was going to get up and go to Mass at the new cathedral today, to give the interior a chance. But that Mass was at 10 and I woke up around 9:40. Probably could have made it in a mad dash, but then one's not really recollected, y'know?

I was up in plenty of time for my usual Mass but futzed around and then had to make a mad dash there. So much for recollection. One of my favorite Jesuits was celebrating, so I managed to settle down eventually.

I came home afterwards, lollygagged a bit and then went to the store. I'm in frugal mode, so it wasn't nearly as much fun as I normally have. Alas.

I have to go bone and skin the chicken leg quarters I got to make the coq a reisling for Friday. Actually, I'm going to make it Thursday night since it allegedly improves with an overnight for flavors to meld. I will need to grab dill, a leek, and some mushrooms on my way home Thursday. I think the recipe calls for bone-in, but I just don't like fishing bones out of stew while I'm eating it, so they're history. Cutting them up now will mean less small-fridge-space taken up for the next few days.

My dinner guest for Friday is a friend with a great history of being a flake vis a vis engagements. The good thing about this dish is that it seems like I could eat it myself over the course of several dinners and it'd be fine. It's not like I'm going to be standing at the stove doing something complicated, which I'd be a little annoyed at doing just for myself. And that says something about me... I'm trying to do the complicated stuff even just for me, but feedback is nice.

I heated up some of my kiwi daiquiri jam last night and poured it over the tiny bit of leftover vanilla ice cream I had. Nowhere near as pretty as a berry or plum jam -- but verrrrry good. I did bail on the thought of making my own ice cream for Friday (see: frugal and tendency to flake). Ben & Jerry's will do just fine.

Now, off to knit! (I got the scarf working again.)

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