Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wonderful, Wonderful Day

Oh, thank God that went so well (other than the Chief Justice oath oops), that GWB is gone gone gone, and I no longer have to cringe every time the POTUS speaks.

OK, actually, make that cringe-and-turn-off-the-TV-or-radio.


Now if only the economy would pick up. Please God.

It's funny I'm not worrying about losing my job. It could very well happen, as it has happened to many of my coworkers, friends, family. But I kinda figure that so many people are in this boat now, that no one is going to look funny at you, no one can blame you, and there is a network of support. I won't starve, although it could be a little unpleasant.

A little wine for me and some nip for the cats, and we'll survive, though.

I am still plugging away at the scarf I'm knitting for someone, and wishing it were over so I could work on my own stuff. I'm not going to offer to knit for anyone again. I will actually knit for others again -- but I don't intend to offer in advance again. It makes the knitting yet another job to complete when I've already done my time during the day.

Speaking of "doing time," I'm trying not to mope around during my time off counting the hours of freedom left and muttering to the cats how I wish I could just stay at home with them. Housewifery is never going to happen for me, short of a miracle (especially as I've realized I'm happier being single and don't even really feel like putting up with the crap dating entails), and unless I either finally write some blockbuster novel or win the lottery, I will have a day job until I am old. Especially the way things are going. So coloring my free time with sorrow at its brevity is not really helpful!

Also, muttering to the cats is too "crazy cat lady in training."

ETA: I have mastered the Continental purling. It's nowhere near as fast as my English purling, but I can now knit and purl both ways.

And I did get some extra tea today to take to work. I'm trying to insert a little pleasure into everyday life.

1 comment:

SharksGirl said...

I get so over emotional at some of this stuff. I was teary during the ceremony. Laughed during his mess up. And cried again during the neighborhood Ball with all the emotions of the performers, and his speech, and first dance with Michelle.