Sunday, February 8, 2009

Really Sick of These Dreams

You know the list I made recently of my recurring dreams? I had a cool-apartment one the other night/morning. It was, as it has been before, an eccentric version of my previous Victorian apartment. I'm really tired of these dreams. They always have some anxiety about them, as if I know on some level it's just a dream and I am going to wake up in the 1969 box I live in now, and that in fact the likelihood of my ever living someplace truly cool is almost nil.

Yes, I know I am lucky to have as much space and amenities as I do. Much of the world would give their right arm for the chance. This doesn't help the bad feeling I have about these dreams.

Anyway. I sat and knit on my thrummed socks, watched some TLC (which really has very little to do with learning anymore and mostly focuses on babies, it seems) and had some Trader Joe's blueberry green tea in my new IKEA cup. I need strong tea, so for a cup this size, next time it's two teabags. It rained down pretty hard and is now just sprinkling. Bummer. I don't like to drive in the rain, but I love being inside while it crashes down. Actually I don't mind being outside in it either, just not driving. But it would make a Sunday night, my bete noir, much more pleasant.

My fancy-schmancy rice cooker comes tomorrow, but I also have to go to a meeting, which means I will pick up said fancy-schmancy rice cooker, come home, and pretty much have to leave again. Who ever thought Monday nights would be the best time for any kind of meeting? Thursday night, that would be better... only one more day to get through! Anyway, I'm definitely stopping at Starbucks and getting a massive vanilla latte to keep myself going. One must have small delights.

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