Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mourning the Lost Hour

I know, daylight fans everywhere are celebrating springing forward. I, a dedicated night person who also cherishes every moment classified as "free time," am mourning my lost hour of the weekend.

Yeah, I guess it's nice for it to be light into the evening. What's not nice is the fact that it really should only be 10:45! Why can't they do this springing forward on a Friday at noon?

I also woke up already having my weekly Sunday night anxiety attack. Argh. It was 10 (or 9) AM! I still had 12 hours before real panic was required. Stupid brain.


The music at Mass last night was horrific. The one-time organ playing is all forgotten. I really don't know how much more of this I can stand; on the other hand, is bad music a legitimate reason to change parishes?

Thankfully, I'm taking Friday off, so it will be a short week. Yes, Mom, I am still wishing my life away, in my 40s...

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