Sunday, December 14, 2008

Does Anyone Else Hate Sunday Nights?

I hated them when I was a kid -- I'd get depressed and anxious as night fell, thinking about school (I love learning but until college was not a fan of the school experience in general).

I hate them as an adult -- I get depressed and anxious as... well, you get the idea.

The only time Sunday nights have not caused sharp unhappiness are when I have nowhere to be Monday morning. Which is why, although my birthday this coming year is on a Saturday, I will be taking the following Monday off. I don't work on my birthday if it's during the week and I don't want the day after my birthday to be one of depression.

It's ten. This is one of those times when I feel like a little kid whining, "I don't wanna go to bed!" I actually was asleep on Friday night by 10.30, because I knew I wasn't shortening my few remaining free hours -- I could sleep in the next day, had nothing I had to do but go to Mass at 5. But on a work night? I want to stay up as late as possible to milk every last second of freedom. Yet, as a certified Non Morning Person, staying up til midnight makes the morning even more awful.

Bah. Sunday nights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and me both, on the Sunday night thing.