Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Neighbors

are really lucky I'm introverted and afraid of the law, because otherwise they'd be pretty unhappy with my reaction after they started REMOVING A GARAGE ROOF AT 8:30 THIS MORNING. Under my bedroom windows. It's 2:30 and they haven't stopped. I've escaped twice with a book -- went to the PO and then got some lunch and ate it in the car by the Bay, then went to Starbucks and read again. They had better finish soon or my head may self-remove. I'll make sure I go outside first and stand in their driveway so it's their mess, though.

Actually I guess they're not necessarily so lucky since I sent an email noise complaint to the city.

I'm the kind of person who cringes when my TV is too loud and if I'm watching it with others they always pooh-pooh my turning it down. But I hate other people's noise and feel I ought not to inflict it on others. I realize if you're replacing a roof you need to make noise, but a) how about LATER IN THE DAMNED MORNING and/or b) on a weekday when most of your neighbors will be at work?

I know I'm very sensitive to noise. Like when I went to the Cathedral and the docent and the monk both bugged me by not being silent. (I imagine you can't give a tour to hearing folks by using sign language. Alas.) I wish one could close one's ears like one can close one's eyes.

Finished a baby hat last night for a coworker's granddaughter. Starting on a gift hat today. Then a commissioned scarf, and then I'm doing only selfish knitting for awhile.

Unless I'm in prison. Neighbors.

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