Monday, December 15, 2008

Cry of Desperation

It's cold (by our standards). I am a hot-blooded person who is rarely cold, and I. am. cold. Wrapping a big wool French-sized scarf/shawl around my nose, so cold. Wishing I had gloves, which I don't. Running the heater, which I hate doing. Off for a hot hot bath in a minute.

Just came back from a depressing parish council meeting. I can't even explain why it's depressing, except that I simply am not coming from the same place as most of the other members.

And something went down at work today that has me in a huge tizzy of anxiety. My workplace is the antithesis of a laid-back, easygoing, "let's just get the problem fixed and move on" kind of place. You know how a kid in a dysfunctional family might skulk around, anticipating getting smacked? That's how I feel.

I know. No one will physically harm me; they're not going to kill me. But in this economy everyone who has a job walks on eggshells.

And this economy has me rattled like it does everyone else. I've been making up bags of stuff for the Goodwill, so that if I have to put everything into storage and camp in someone's basement, I have less I need to store. My only living requirements are: my cats, some knitting, some books, and Internet access. Don't need all my books or all my yarn to be with me, or even unlimited Internet like I have now (though that'd be hard). And really, my cats are the two things from which I cannot be separated. However, let's pray it doesn't come to that.

(ETA: OK, I'd like access to a tub and not just a shower, and I have a hard time sleeping on the floor, but since I have the air mattress I've taken camping (self-inflating!) and the sleeping bag I took as well, that could work. I could bring all my pillows and build a little fort around myself.)

In any event, I'm sitting here in quiet shivery desperation at the moment. I need a miracle.

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