I decided to drive out to Albany and go to K2tog, for which I had a 20% off coupon. I ended up parking at the Berkeley end of Solano and walking about a mile downhill. And then of course a mile uphill back. I got 4 skeins of Panda Silk DK in Berry Smoothie, 2 skeins of Frog Tree Alpaca Chunky in a blue multi-tone, and 2 skeins Misti Cotton (83% cotton, 17% silk) in a soft green (#7 on that page).
Then I went to Article Pract because I was looking for chunkier pink-toned yarn, and I found some stuff in the sale bin: 3 skeins of Manos silk blend in Magenta, 3 skeins of Araucania Limari in Purples, another 320-yard skein of Fiesta Boomerang (I have one skein for a commissioned scarf) in Moulin Rouge, and then 2 skeins of something not-pink, but which I have been hankering after (no pun intended) forever. The skeins are normally $51 at Article Pract, but these were on sale for $23: Curious Creek Oban in Glacier Lakes. (They probably had six or so skeins at this price, but even I'm not that crazy.) Funnily -- I have the same colorway in unspun form as well. I saw a brick of it as Stitches in 2006 and would have given my right arm for it. Lurve this colorway. (I have spun a bit of it, but I still have quite a bit left. I know...)
I'll take a picture of the haul at some point this weekend. The colors are glorious!
I also bought a little Christmas tree/bush thing at Trader Joe's. It has big cute marbley lights on it too, and hopefully it will live on my deck after the holidays and maybe I can use it again next year. I last had a tree of any sort in 1997. It's just sitting on my stepstool, but the packages I arranged around it hide the grey plastic. Once it's properly dark I'll take a picture of that as well.
And now I'm home, making coffee and planning to knit while watching my usual Scrubs re-runs followed by Rachel Maddow. I love her -- she's even from a couple of cities over. I love watching someone pontificate who shares most of my views, and who lights up like a real Christmas tree when she smiles or laughs. And I am always in awe of Rhodes Scholars. So, that's my evening, in a nutshell. It's good.
ETA: Here's the loot. It's a pretty good picture, I think, though I may try again in daylight.

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