Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Speaking of Being a Religious Nut

I actually sat down and read Humanae Vitae the other day. It's in the second big thick volume of VII and post-conciliar documents I have.

OK. So now at least I have read it. I am going to read it a few more times, with some time in between.

I am sure many dissenters have read it, but I bet many more have not. I decided I'd better actually read the real document.

I still am not convinced. Obviously I am not a catechist, and if I were, I would simply say, "This is what the Church teaches and why; and by the way, here's a printout of the actual encyclical."

Of course, as a single woman with no potential husband, it's a totally moot point for me (as are a lot of the RCC sticking points). Which is rather a relief really.

So see -- not even a "good Catholic" let alone a religious nut!

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