Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Can Haz Friday Nao, Plz?


OK... stupid reality.

Oh, hey SG: Yes, I realize that I usually make a great show of never picking up a book, but in secret, I really am a bookworm. I know you'd never know. ;-)

I am currently steeping some apricot ginger black tea -- had the first cup of it last night with the German rock sugar, and it was quite tasty. I liked the tinkling sound of the large sugar crystals as I stirred them, too. Gotta find your happiness in small things sometimes.

I am having some interpersonal workplace unpleasantness, on top of the general workplace stress that's endemic in the US these days (and probably elsewhere as well). I actually do believe it's me -- well, I believe others are acting badly, but the reason that I'm the target of the misbehavior is that I really don't fit in there. Where would I fit in? God only knows. At this juncture I'm just glad to have a paycheck, but someday I'd like to do meaningful work (which I do now) in a congenial, friendly, laid-back atmosphere. My ex-husband has a job like that. So I know they exist... or they did.

Sometimes I wonder if I'd fit in better elsewhere in the country. It would have to be someplace liberal. A liberal place with a slower, friendlier way of life. Where?

Well, not going anywhere anytime soon, barring some kind of massive windfall or something. There are groups at work who play the lottery every week. What's two bucks for a dream? I should find someone(s) to do it with or just do it on my own (no splitting if winning!). Other than that extraordinary longshot, I'm not sure what could catapult me out of my current life situation, at least not in a good way. I still need that life coach!

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