Friday, October 10, 2008


I went shopping after work and got three pairs of slacks, two skirts, and two pairs of underwear for $126 altogether. Woot!

I'm trying to have a more tailored work look, for lack of a better word. Just a little more understated and polished, especially for the winter. I tend to wear bright skirts and backless shoes to work, and while that's fine in the summer it seems a little odd in the cooler weather, I think, even here. Of course, being a large-chested zaftig person, I can't do tailored-tailored, but I can at least wear some nice black or pinstriped pants to work!

Anyway, that was fun.

I changed the yarn on one of Christmas projects and am changing the other one altogether. Well, same yarn, different pattern, for that one. I'm making the Irish Hiking Scarf for a non-family-member, but I am limiting myself to two repeats a day, so I don't go into Spaceout Mode and screw it up. It's in bright red, which is not a color I own or ever even consider wearing, but is fun to work with for someone else. I love to cable. It gives you such bang for your buck -- it looks nice and if you don't know how to do it, you think it's difficult, but it's easier than just about anything else knittingwise, as far as I'm concerned. At least, I think it's fun (as long as I have straight wooden cable needles and not those U-shaped metal ones) and somehow the turning row helps me keep my place.

Better end my knitting break here. I have to finish the second daily repeat on the red scarf and get to work re-starting the two family items. Yesterday one of my cats was determined to help me knit -- and then to keep me from knitting, by curling up in my lap and sleeping, twisting herself into many cute snoozing poses and purring so I couldn't bear to move her. At the moment she's curled up like a Danish on a chair, and my other cat never jumps on me, so I should make a move for it while I can!

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