Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Two more days til the weekend.

I know most people don't like their jobs. I know most people live for the weekends. But man, I am such a bad worker bee. In the back of my head I am constantly daydreaming about being a housewife.

Yeah, this is just me repeating myself: Sleeping on schedule one's body wants, taking care of home, cooking, other domestic duties, no boss, no time clock, no talking to the public, no possibility of getting in trouble. Endless possibilities to sneak in reading.

There, the usual litany, she is done.

I've been knitting and ripping, knitting and ripping, ad nauseum. One of Family Items, I've just started thinking of the k/r, k/r as swatching. :-) She's getting it in the size/gauge it is now, though, damnit!

This Saturday I have a parish council retreat. I am trying to think of a way to stick up for the introverts without seeming crazy, as we discuss attracting and keeping parishioners. I know that if some sort of "greeter" had been in my face my first Sunday there, I would have gone to Mass and never come back. I think any sort of "hospitality ministry" needs to have training in Discerning Body Language. Hey -- if they're backing away, looking sideways, not smiling broadly and chatting with you, let 'em go. I know I'm way on one end of the intro-/extroverted spectrum, and the hail-fellow-well-met stuff that gives me panic attacks is one of the reasons megachurches do so well. But we're Catholic -- universal, eh? Let the introverts be! :-)

Especially when those introverts have to go to work in the morning and deal with people all day long.... :-P

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