Monday, February 9, 2009

Is Cold

... by our standards, anyway. My stupid nose never warms up!

My fancypants rice cooker is here! It is sitting cutely on the countertop, knowing what time it is without me telling it. I had to go to a parish council meeting and I'm huddled in my room for warmth (and will soon go to bed), so I will have to play with it tomorrow.

I tried to give money to the Australian Red Cross but it wouldn't take my debit card, and then neither would Starbucks. I came home and called the bank, but there was no option to talk to a person. I sent a stressed email... I know from personal experience that the recipient of messages that suggest that said recipient is stupid, or that the recipient had better straighten up, fly right, and immediately cater to the writer regardless of the justness of their demands, simply irritate the bejeesus out of people. So I tried not to be demanding and arrogant and nasty -- but insistent that I needed some kind of communication ASAP. We shall see.

Granted, I hate talking to people on the phone and vastly prefer email, but in this case I really would like to resolve things immediately.

The one thing I can resolve is my freezing nose. Bath time.

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