Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Operator Error (Sort of)

So I couldn't get the shiny new rice cooker to work tonight. Nothing I pushed did anything.

Later, I futzed again with the cord, which is detachable. I don't like detachable cords and here's a new reason why -- it's hard to keep this one plugged into the back of the cooker. Once I'd gotten it just right, I could work the controls. Everything else about it seems as wonderful as it was advertised, but I'm thinking I may need to figure out some way to secure the cord. I wouldn't want it to fall out of the back of the machine mid-cooking.

I have gotten to the heel of the first thrummed sock.

I don't know if I'm up to trying to figure out how to "keep the thrum pattern" when the whole setup is different. I always have trouble with gussets as it is... So I'm mulling: Sit down and write out how to keep the thrum pattern? Skip the thrum pattern on the heel? Make them into tube socks?

Yeah, I know. Sit down and write it out already!


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