Saturday, September 6, 2008

15 Pounds Gone

So awhile back I read about Spark People on Catherine's blog. I'm not exactly sure what I weighed at the time, because I didn't have a scale until about ten days after I started, but from the weight I was when the scale arrived, I've lost nearly 15 pounds -- fourteen point something or other.

A few weeks ago I had a really bad Thursday that I've alluded to earlier, and I lost some of my steam. I didn't walk every day at lunch, and I wasn't as good about keeping track of what I ate. But I didn't go wildly astray, and I've still lost a few pounds.

I think it's a really good system for keeping you honest. And although I don't intend to be a religious fanatic about it (if you think I will never again eat until I feel like stopping, forget it), I do intend to be watchful and thoughtful about it most of the time.

My goal weight is one that would still have me being considered quite overweight, I imagine, but I haven't been that weight since I was in my very early 20s. I think I can live at that weight -- it's the untrue number on my driver's license -- and quite frankly, even if I could be happy eating as little as I'd have to to be 130 pounds, I don't have the wherewithal to have the surgery I'd need to get rid of loose skin, etc. And I can already see that my face will age -- it's going to be a tradeoff. My face is quite narrow and long, and the extra weight really shows on it, much more so than if my bone structure were different. I'm sure it will look better with less fat on it, but I know the tradeoff is going to be a bit of a drawn look. So I'm aiming for a weight that is 80 pounds lighter than my approximate starting weight, and we'll see.

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