Friday, September 19, 2008

Still Hungry/Labor of Love/Terseness

I am still really hungry. There was crap at work today and I could not resist. And I noshed when I got home. And I made espresso brownies for a dinner party tomorrow night ... and licked the bowl.


I'm sloooooowly working on the heel of a sock. (Originally and inexplicably typed as "the hell of a sick.") I actually like the pre-heel-turning part of the heel, although I've been accidentally adding and subtracting the 32nd stitch over and over. Oh well, they're for me, probably bed socks, and just to get myself going again, so I'm not too worried.

I'm knitting them in your basic sock weight wool on 0's, with the heel done in 00's because I have a small heel compared to my wide foot. We'll see how it goes. Heretofore the socks I've made have slipped down over my heel, one of the very few dainty parts of me.

If I were to build my ideal guy, one of his traits would be reading and writing decent-length emails. I just got told by someone "no more long-ass emails," even though the emails in question were very short by my standards. That was one of my ex-husband's good traits -- a literate, eloquent, lengthy emailer.

Few and far between, in my experience. I'm lucky if the guys in my life read, let alone respond to (at any length whatsoever) my emails.

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