Monday, September 22, 2008

Sad Puppy

I was sitting outside on my morning break and heard a dog barking. And barking. And barking. And crying. Finally I closed my book and walked toward the noise.

Someone in the parking lot next door had tied up a golden lab puppy to their truck. (I later emailed someone in that building to see if they could get the guy to check on the dog.) At first I was hesitant, but this pup was well-fed, well-groomed, adorable, and thrilled beyond belief that someone had to come to see him. He jumped, he panted, he sat on my foot and leaned against me, his tail wagging frantically. I would have stayed there all morning if I could have.

Poor baby. He began to bark and whine again as I left. At least he was in the shade, and he certainly didn't look maltreated at all. He was just a friendly pup who wanted his dad, or some kind of company anyway. I hope he's not there tomorrow!

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