Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yarn Lust

I've been looking at knitting patterns and yarns online just now, and I feel my desire to get back to the knitting and actually conquer some things returning.

My two main knitting problems are a) I don't know any knitters in real life so I have no one to show me anything or to ask anything of and b) somehow, I space out and make mistakes all the time, even if I think I'm paying attention. I've actually found that unless it's garter stitch, or stockinette in the round, I can't do anything but knit when I knit. Or I will find myself one stitch over or under at the end of a row, or I will look back and see that I missed a cable turn two times back.

Also, I can't rip, only tink, and if the tinking involves knit-together stitches or cables or anything, I am likely to screw that up too. I think this is definitely where a hands-on knitting mentor would come in handy.

But my plan of knitting up all my patterned sock yarns in my plain sock pattern seems a good start. That should keep me busy for quite awhile. Maybe I'll make a concerted effort to find someone to knit with, though.

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