Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Minor Victory

I bought new jeans today. For normal-sized folks, this isn't going to seem too exciting, but for me...

I bought size 22 jeans because my 24s were way too big. The store was having a sale and so they had very few jeans of any size. I did fit into a pair of size 20s in a different style, but I preferred the ankle slits on the 22s and just generally their cut. Still -- I fit into the 20s! I've been known to wear 28s.

Although, mostly, on top. I also bought a stretchy knit henley and it's a 22-24. I think when all is said and done, I will be a 16-18 on the bottom and anywhere from an 18 to a 22 on top. Even now you can see something of an hourglass figure (I have always had a very small waist for whatever size I was), but I will always have a chest to contend with.

I don't think this is too much of a problem except if I were to try to buy a dress (which I rarely do), because anything that fit over my chest would be too loose below. Or, I suppose, if my bottom half fit into clothes from any store but my top half could only be accommodated by a plus-sized purveyor.

Ah well. It will be a problem I will be happy to have!

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